well this is the beginning of my blog. I've had this dream to build a straw bale home for many yrs now.
Last week i bought a small caravan and early next year i plan to buy a block of land and live in the van while i build. My dog Bella thinks the caravan is her new dog house LOL .
to be continued .........

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Ok so it's 2-30am on a Wed night and i can't sleep, so been digging thru stuff and have now found my diary/planner. So i better start using it LOL.
well my bedroom is a mess as usual,  how the heck am i going to keep a 14ft caravan neat and tidy for a yr or so while i build my house. Positive thinking and smart acting , thats how !!!!!!
Well i have my appt with the mortgage boker on Friday at 1pm, once i get my pre approval done i can go put an offer in on the block of land, but tomorro first things first.....  go to the Shire and get in writing that i can live in the van while building, also find out who i can hire to do the back hoe stuff and how much will it cost ???
this blog stuff is too dam hard, i'd rather build than keep up with this hahahaha